

Not really — tonight I’m packing.  Normally packing makes me a wreck. There are so many ways to go wrong. There are so many previous wrongs to confront: why do I spend so much on clothes, yet still lack a perfect capsule wardrobe that can span 7 days in a variable climate and fit into an envelope?  There are so many things to forget: teeth-saving night guard, recondite facial care products, books, those other books, those other other books, socks, tights, yoga mat, underwear (one year I forgot to pack underwear for Milo. My mother dashed to Target without complaint. She says she hates to shop, but she loves to be in motion & to get things done).

But tonight, packing is a joy.  Packing is being in motion and getting things done without having to make heavy decisions.  Without having to talk and concentrate and be smart.  Because it doesn’t really matter if I forget my black t-shirt, or underwear, or recondite facial care products. I can get them where I’m going.

Yesterday I had 7 meetings or calls at work. Today I had 8.  I don’t recommend it.  And now I’m done.  Done-ish.  I have a videoconference on Friday, and I’ve reserved a room of my own in a co-working space near my parents’ house.  There is no way I could pull away from  being mother/daughter/wife for 90 minutes under that roof, plus their wifi is unreliable.

I feel free.  I feel like finals are over.  I even went back and did some work email after yoga tonight because I felt I didn’t have to. I feel free.

I could talk about why my time at my parents’ house will be stressful.  Briefly: I’ve come to realize that my mom, who we always thought was so easy and helpful, actually needs a lot of attention and support, in her own helpful way.  My Dad voted for Trump. And Daniel’s sister and her two kids are coming to my hometown for a visit, because they’ve always wanted to see (City) and won’t it be fun to spend time together!  Daniel’s sister is a person who says, “Oh, don’t worry about me, I’m easy.” Is that ever true? Is that ever not a self-falsifying statement?   Daniel’s family and my family have very different relationship metabolisms and boundaries.  We’ll see how it all unfolds. I don’t expect it to be restful.

But tonight I don’t care.  Tonight I am buoyant and free.

Now I’ll list the books I’m considering taking:

  1. We Gon Be Alright, by Jeff Chang (for work)
  2. Can’t Stop Won’t Stop by Jeff Chang (for work — a 500 page history of hip hop. I have a cool job)
  3. Vital Little Plans (Short Works) by Jane Jacobs (for work, kinda)
  4. Bury your Dead by Louise Penny (plane ride there & Shabbat)
  5. A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny (plane ride home, and if I need to escape)
  6. A Wave of the Mind: Talks & Essays by Ursula K. LeGuin
  7. Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance
  8. Our Declaration by Danielle Allen (for work)
  9. Divorce is in the Air by Gonzalo Torme
  10. The Black Swan by Nicholas Nassim Taleb (I think this might be one of those utterly of the moment books that doesn’t survive its moment)
  11. In the Light of What We Know by Zia Haider Rahman

It’s deeply ridiculous to take 11 books for 7 days.  The first six are the only definite ones. But then I need a little more fiction to mix it up, and then I’m already halfway through Our Declaration, and maybe I don’t really need to read all 500 pages of the hip hop history.  A Kindle would make so much more sense, but I can’t use it on Shabbat, so it’s really of no use to me.  And screens are for work… um, except when they are for blogging. I need pages and covers and paper and fonts and texture and design.  I have read a few books on Kindle & iPad, but I honestly can’t tell you what they were.  (To be fair, I have forgotten paper books that I’ve read. I think I bought a Penelope Fitzgerald for the second time. But she’s Penelope Fitzgerald, and it was remaindered, and it was a great local bookstore.)

And I feel done, and have no ending, and I don’t care!  Because I feel so happy and free.


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