Monthly Archives: May 2016

Disaster, averted

This is what did not happen this morning

Me to Daniel: “Did you see Alain de Botton’s piece in the New York Times today?  About how we always marry the wrong person, and every marriage becomes a management issue, and we just bump along in post-romantic disappointment, and how pessimism is the best, and in fact the only realistic, approach to marriage?  I thought it was brilliant.  You have to read it.”

(long ominous silence)

Me to Daniel: “Is something wrong?  Are you mad at me?”

But it almost happened.  I find this amusing, and am exceedingly grateful to years of meditation for giving me a bit more of a pause button than I have had in the past.

I need to start writing again. I feel that I’ve forgotten how, especially in the professional context.  My job is fantastic, also still terrifying.  It requires me to be excellent every day, and that can take a lot out of a person.  It also puts a lot into a person.  And I’m not exactly sleeping through the night.  I write lots and lots and lots of lovely and effective emails (always too long), but a blog post seems beyond me. So I’m here again to suggest that it’s not.  Also, the novel-in-my-head is getting a little louder.  I rewrote (in my head) a scene today.  I think it’s pretty good.  I might start another blog just to store the scenes.  That’s a good idea.  In any case, I need to start writing again, and I will… in the middle of all the other stuff.