Poem for Wednesday, revivified

Today am I thankful that Daniel is being an absolute dear.  I can write thousands of words about him when he’s being a pill, but I enjoy his solicitude and tenderness without sharing.  I’ve been dragging since last week, and, as my father would say, “I’m ’bout half-sick.”  I feel like my face is melting off my skull.  I am beset by sneezes that refuse to happen.  This morning, I had no interest in walking to work, and walking to work is one of my great pleasures.  And Daniel is being just especially lovely, even when I am sniffly, deeply boring, and falling asleep at 10:30.

And in my present state, I swoon over this poem.  “What would life be if we could not buy objects to care for us?”  Indeed:


—After Robert Pinsky

Defier of closed space, such as the head, opener
Of the sealed passageways, so that
Sunlight entering the nose can once again
Exit the ear, vaporizer, mist machine, whose
Soft hiss sounds like another human being
But less erratic, more stable, or, if not like a human being,
Carried by one, by my mother to the sick chamber
Of my childhood — as Freud said,
Why are you always sick, Louise? his cigar
Confusing mist with smoke, interfering
With healing—Embodied
Summoner of these ghosts, white plastic tub with your elegant
Clear tub, the water sanitized by boiling,
Sterile, odorless,
In my mother’s absence
Run by me, the one machine
I understand: what
Would life be if we could not buy
Objects to care for us
And bear them home, away from the druggists’ pity,
If we could not carry in our own arms
Alms, alchemy, to the safety of our bedrooms,
If there were no more
Sounds in the night, continuous
Hush, hush of warm steam, not
Like human breath though regular, if there were nothing in the world
More hopeful than the self,
Soothing it, wishing it well.

Source: Poetry (July 2005).


One response to “Poem for Wednesday, revivified

  1. Just realized I failed to give my son his inhaler this a.m. Mother’s absence, indeed.
    Hope you feel ’bout half better soon.

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